Who is Laure Foessel ?

Welcome on my personal web page.

I am french, 38 years old, and I live near Paris. I also go by the name of Laure Bruneau, as the wife of Florent Bruneau.

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, an insatiable reader, a recorder player, a clumsy yet enthusiast handicrafter, a gourmand cook, an occasional rower.

I am also an École polytechnique graduate, specialized in information systems. I have worked for several years as a software engineer in an IT consulting company, and I currently enjoy an extended parental leave.

You can learn more about my personal life or my professional background by browsing this website.

Where can you find Laure Foessel ?

I have a profile on the following platforms :

My name also appears in the following pages :

How do you pronounce “Foessel” ?

“Foessel” is a frenchified version of a germanic alsacian name that can sometimes be found spelled as “Fössel” or “Fößel”.

The spelling and pronunciation of a name can evolve in different ways depending on the family bearing it, especially when it has foreign origins. What follows is my interpretation of my name, as my parents passed it down to me. Other people may spell and/or pronounce it differently.

As far as I am concerned :

“Foessel” is therefore pronounced “feu”-“sel”, as in feu (fire) and sel (salt). This may not actually help you if you don’t know how to pronounce those two french words. You will be forgiven.

(*) I know nothing about the alsatian dialect, thence my comparisons to the german language only.

Another Laure Foessel ?

Despite my surname’s rarity, there is at least one other Laure Foessel in France.

If you were looking for the physician/radiologist : I am not she, and I do not know her.